The Simms

A Simm is a hill in England, Wales or Scotland over 600m high with a drop of at least 30 metres all round.  Simm is an acronym for Six-hundred Metre Mountain.  The Irish and Isle of Man Simms are also listed on this website.

A Subsimm is a hill which just fails (by up to 10m) to qualify on the drop rule, i.e. over 600m with 20-29m drop.

Change Register - registry of changes to the Simms list.

(Simms appear as Class=Sim on this website, and Subsimms as Class=sSim).

My Progress
I have completed 0 (0%) of 2531 Simms of Britain [Map*]
0 (0%) of 2191 Scottish Simms [Map*]
0 (0%) of 192 English Simms [Map*]
0 (0%) of 150 Welsh Simms [Map*]

0 (0%) of 1 Manx Simms [Map*]
0 (0%) of 222 Irish Simms [Map*]

The discrepancy in the totals is due to 2 hills on the Scotland/England border which are included in the totals for both countries.

(* please note that map may be slow to load)

League Table - compare your progress with other members of this site.


The Simms were introduced by Alan Dawson in 2010 as a way of unifying several of his own published lists,

For further details and history, see Alan Dawson's RHB website.

Irish Simms draw heavily on the work of Rev CRP Vandeleur, Joss Lynam, ED ‘Clem’ Clements and the MountainViews community for their accuracy.