Administrative (1974-1996) County Tops

Administrative (1974-1996) County Tops

The website lists the traditional administrative (1974-1996) counties and their highest points above sea level.  These are the counties which were formed by administrative changes starting in 1974, which lasted until the late 1990's.

Some of the 1974-1996 counties have now been abolished, and others split into Unitary Authorities.  The new local government administrative changes have been largely adopted by map-makers and in road-signage, giving us new administrative "counties".

This website also includes pages for the Historic County Tops, and for the current County and Unitary Authority Tops.

Click here for more detailed information on county history.

Use the Mountain Search page to view the map and list of Administrative (1974-1996) County Tops.

(Administrative (1974-1996) County Tops appear as Class=CoA on this website)

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0 (0%) of 34 Scottish County Tops
0 (0%) of 60 English County Tops
0 (0%) of 15 Welsh County Tops

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Administrative (1974-1996) Counties

Click on a hill total (only 1 top per county top on the list below to show the Mountain Search page for the county's top.