The High Hills of Britain

The High Hills of Britain are the hills listed in The 1033 High Hills of Britain, a book by Alan Dawson first published in February 2021 by Pedantic Press.  The number of hills on the list has increased from 1033 since publication.

(High Hills of Britain appear as Class=HHB on this website).

My Progress
I have completed 0 (0%) of 1035 High Hills of Britain [Map*]
0 (0%) of 977 Scottish High Hills of Britain [Map*]
0 (0%) of 31 English High Hills of Britain [Map*]
0 (0%) of 27 Welsh High Hills of Britain [Map*]

(* please note that map may be slow to load)

League Table - compare your progress with other members of this site.

HHBs by Area

Click on a hill total on the list below to show the Mountain Search page for HHBs in the corresponding topographical area.
The topographical areas, with their names and numbering are taken from The 1033 High Hills of Britain by Alan Dawson.
You can list the HHBs by different area types via the Mountain Search page.



Thanks to Alan Dawson.  The list of High Hills of Britain is reproduced from his book The 1033 High Hills of Britain by his kind permission.