Click on the regions on the map to zoom in and locate the mountains.
The regions, with their names and numbering are taken from
The Hewitts and Marilyns of Ireland by E D "Clem" Clements.
The regions, with their names and numbering are taken from
The Hewitts and Marilyns of Ireland by E D "Clem" Clements.
The Vandeleur-Lynams
A Vandeleur-Lynam is a hill in Ireland at least 600 metres high with a drop of at least 15 metres on all sides. In 1952 Joss Lynam produced a list of 2000ft summits with 50ft drop with assistance from Rev CRP Vandeleur. Joss Lynam updated a version of this list and published it in a reprint of "Mountaineering in Ireland" by Claude Wall printed in 1976. The metricised equivalent was published in 1997. Lynam was actively involved with the list until 2002, thereafter assisting MountainViews with subsequent revisions until his death in 2011.
(Vandeleur-Lynams appear as Class=VL on this website).