Name: | Cairnsgarroch |
Hill number: | 1705 |
Height: | 659m / 2162ft |
Parent (Ma): | 1689 Corserine |
County/UA: | Dumfries and Galloway |
Topographical area: | SS04 Merrick-fleet |
SMC/RHB section: | 27B: Carrick and Galloway |
Donald area: | Galloway Hills |
Catchment: | Dee (Kirkcudbright) |
Class: | Hump, Simm, Donald, Graham Top, Yeaman (Hu,Tu,Sim,D,GT,DN,Y) |
Grid ref: | NX 51555 91353 |
Summit feature: | embedded boulder 4m W of cairn |
Drop: | 105m |
Col: | 554m NX507912 |
OS map sheet(s): | (1:50k) 77 (1:25k) 318 |
GPS data: | show GPS entries for this hill |
N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way. Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass. Please quote the hill number and hill name.
Logged Descriptions (logged by 240 users, only the latest 50 shown - Show all) | By | Date of Ascent |
From The Green Well, went past Woodhead Mines up Knockower, Coran of Portmark, Meaul and Cairnsgarroch. 11 miles 4.5 hrs. Good going if you can avoid the tussocks. | jigglybones | 08/06/2024 |
From Green Well, loop of Knockower, Coran of Portmark, Bow, Meaul & Cairnsgarroch. All pretty good underfoot other than the climb from the mine up Knockower (couldn't find the trail). | Tisteln | 27/02/2024 |
All Donalds & Donald Tops in the Rhinns of Kells from Forrest Lodge. 19.5 miles | Gary Heath | 20/07/2023 |
Clockwise circuit from Forrest Lodge via Corserine. Possible to descend E ridge then via forest breaks to pick up track at 532908. Will become more difficult as the breaks are getting overgrown. Tough ground. | 49pp | 23/05/2023 |
Parked on the old road at Green Well on the A713, walked past Garryhorn Farm and up to the ruined mining village of Woodhead. 
I didn't see any path / ATV track beyond the village, was sinking into chest high bramble / long grass, until I got above the fencline (still on south east slope of Knocktower) where I found the glorious ATV track all the way to the top of Coran of Portmark. From here the paths were constant over Bow and up to Meaul, a good looking path extended up to Carlins Cairn too, but I turned east. The descent off Meaul, was unpleasant, lots of hidden holes and the path up Cairnsgarroch was intermingled with a wee ditch. From the top of Cairnsgarroch, I followed a path down its east shoulder, then across the boggy long grass on the valley floor, before returning via the ruined mining village. Sunny all day, 06:55hrs. 
That is now all the Donalds and Donald Tops, west of the M74 completed..... | chillyman8 | 27/08/2022 |
Rhinns of Kells from Forrest Lodge | Huwel | 26/08/2022 |
Limited parking just S of bridge (NX557943). Garryhorn, lead mines. The stile under the tree SW of the highest building leads into a purgatorial sea of toody blussock grass. An ATV track higher up may originate from the NE corner of this building. Left this ATV for Knockower and then the descent towards Black Craig was pathless purgatory until the wall was reached at about NX510428 (orienteering flag) then a thin path to the top. Returned to the wall and followed its E side, S, on a faint path continuing up the fence line to Corran of Portmark (no sign of the path through the bealach to Portmark). ATV tracks over Bow to Meaul. A faint rough path descends Meaul, E, to Cairnsgarroch and along its NE ridge until it fizzles out in boulders. Continued toward and around W flank of Craighit then N along a low ridge, mostly on mild veg, to the intact building at the mines where the river can be crossed at a bar. | Isbjorn | 16/06/2022 |
With J on bright day from Green Well. Parked in Carsphairn with nasty road walk instead of space just before bridge on L heading N on A713. Oystercatchers & heron on way to lead mines. Path behind top buildings towards Coran of Portmark long gone but picked up ATV track near Knockower summit: worth looking for it from mines, otherwise it's Galloway style pain! Cairnsgarroch sole objective so left track c.500m on obvious traverse path SSW, over Bow to where fence and wall meet (NX502919). Faint traverse path under Meaul to curious King's Stone & wall up to Cairnsgarroch. Now where? Reverse route, head NE to purgatorial going near mines or some variation? Descended NE shoulder then spotted old traversing paths N of Garryhorn Burn marked on 1:25K map. Descended & crossed burn easily & couldn't find paths. Eventually found upper one, but overgrown, soggy & indistinct: a real Galloway style fight back to mines. Staying higher on Cairnsgarroch for longer is a better idea. | NotReallyABagger | 30/05/2022 |
From Green Wells of Scotland for a round of Knockower, Black Craig, Coran of Portmark, Bow, Meaul and Cairnsgarroch. | rhalstead | 16/04/2022 |
yorkielad | 25/08/2021 | |
From King's Well, where I camped overnight | Colin Crawford | 30/05/2021 |
Final hill of good ridge walk from Coran of Portmark to Carlin's Cairn and back via this hill. Descent to old lead mines and GWofS. 15m, 3500', 6 hours. | MichaelF | 19/05/2021 |
Parking at Green Wells of Scotland (NX 5574 9442). Through Garryhorn with mapped track then atv track leading well up the hill. On to Meaul -> the 3 Bow tops -> Coran of Portmark -> Knockower -> Black Craig -> Craigencolon -> Cullendoch Hill for a pleasant 20k walk. | jonglew | 15/05/2021 |
Rhinnns of Kells N-S traverse from Green Well of Scotland to Forrest lodge. | AndyS | 02/05/2021 |
To the old lead mines from GWoS then quick bags of Knockower and Black Craig before hitting the main ridge of Coran of Portmark, the Bows, Meaul, Carlin's Cairn, and Corserine. We then doubled-back to just shy of Meaul, contouring round to the Meaul-Cairnsgarroch beallach before heading up to the latter summit. Back to the camper van via Craighit and Garryhorn. A grand day out - 7.5hrs. | summitter | 01/05/2021 |
From Green Well. Knockower, then full ridge to Meikle Millyea, including Cairnsgarroch. A super ridge walk. Sunny and very clear so great views. Descent to Clenrie was pretty rough. With B and R. | jenx | 26/09/2020 |
From Green Well of Scotland. Knockower, Corran of Portmark, Bow, Meaul, Cairngarroch. | Longwojo | 09/09/2020 |
Circular route from Carsphairn. Knockower, Black Craig, Coran of Portmark, Bow (+middle and SW tops), Meaul, Carlin's Cairn, return via Cairnsgarroch, descent E and a nasty entry to forestry to reach forest road, exit to climb Bardennoch Hill and path back to Carsphairn. Fine weather but lots of flies. | RobertP | 09/08/2020 |
Round of 4 above Garryhorn from Carsphairn village: Coran of Portmark, Bow, Meaul and Cairnsgarroch. Descent by NE ridge - going is purgatorial as only Galloway can be as you reach the floor of the glen before Craighit. Crossed burn as others on log carrying fence. Ground on the N side of the burn to regain the lead mines area is little better! | benalder284 | 18/01/2020 |
Round of 5 above Garryhorn: Coran of Portmark, Bow, Meaul, Carlin's Cairn, Cairnsgarroch. | PGCE | 16/11/2019 |
The last of 5 Donalds on an anticlockwise circuit of the hills above Garryhorn, starting with Coran of Portmark. From Carlin's Cairn, headed back over Meaul & then followed path, faint in places, on right side of wall to the summit boulder and cairn. Descended NE ridge to gate at 528927 & then down ATV track to sheep fence across Garryhorn Burn. Used fence to cross burn & then followed wall to old lead mine; very rough terrain with a mixture of tussock, bog & ditches. Track back to car. (S) | gerrybowes | 19/06/2019 |
7th hill of 10 today on a North to Mid-ridge Rhinns traverse climbing Cullendoch, Craigencolon, Black Craig, Knockower, Coran of Portmark and Bow and its X Donald tops, descending the ridge and then profiling around to the King's Well before descending along the wall whith lovely accompanying Wheatears to climb upto the Cairn and outcrops. I had my lunch here, trying to ration my water as I clearly had not taken enough. Descent and re-ascent to the ridge to climb upto Meaul... | Dazingdale | 20/04/2019 |
From Great Well of Scotland along mine track past Garryhorn, then an anticlockwise circuit of Knockower, Black Craig, Corran of Portmark, Bow's three tops, Meaul and Cairnsgarroch. Rough going over the first two tops, then a glorious ridge walk looking over Loch Doon to the Awful Hand. I followed a pleasant grassy trod off the NE ridge of Cairnsgarroch, which led me to a man-eating tussock grass swamp at the foot of the ridge, and a tight-rope walk over a wooden weir pole to escape to the mine track. | Nick Down1 | 30/03/2019 |
Continuation from Meaul down and up connecting spur to C summit for lunch and descended NE/NNE to rusty girders of old bridge at 524930 over Garryhorn Burn; clambered on wooden barrier suspended below girders. Then staggered close to dyke on its NW side over v difficult tussocks and holes to reach Lead mine; 30 minutes were taken to cover about 1 km. Walked back on track to Green Well. Rain threatened but came to nothing. First visit was also solo on 13/05/2015. | jacobus | 22/10/2018 |
Finally a clear summit.. circuit from Garryhorn / Carlin’s Cairn | N.Morters | 06/08/2018 |
From cairlins cairn on way back to green well of scotland | cjo | 02/06/2018 |
From GWoS to lead mines then pretty much straight up Knockower. Back to col and atv track to Coran of Portmoak than along ridge in heat and strong winds to Meaul. Followed dyke to Cairnsgarroch then off east flank picking up atv at fence junction to ford at Garryhorn. | SS | 27/05/2018 |
Round of 4 Donalds anticlockwise from Garryhorn. (See Coran of Portmark for details) | AndrewFinnimore | 10/04/2018 |
Last of the day with Brian R. Rocky top now back to Lamloch via the ruins of the old lead mine. | Play2End | 31/03/2018 |
Solo. Came over from Carlin's Cairn, traversing under Meaul. Descended easily down to Black Craig. Crossed burn on stones by old footbridge. | Dangerous Dave | 08/08/2017 |
From the A713, including Corran of Portmark, Bow, Meaul and Cairnsgarroch. Warm, no wind. | Roblex | 12/07/2017 |
Out and back from Meaul on way to Carlin's Cairn | nickywood1 | 12/03/2017 |
Circuit from Green Well of Scotland. | Grinner | 26/11/2016 |
Daltallochan, Coran of Portmark, Carlin's cairn, back to Meaull, over Cairnsgarroch down north ridge and through deep tussock grass back to track. | Flatfield | 07/09/2016 |
Continuation of walk from Corserine. Retraced my steps north back over Carlin's Cairn and Meaul. Then descended steeply east to bealach and followed wall and fence up to summit. Then descended by north-east ridge to the marshes (dry that day), crossed Garryhorn Burn (would be tricky in spate) and worked my way up to leadmines to rejoin my outward route. Total of 26km, with 1240m of ascent. Solo. | Man of Kernow1 | 03/06/2016 |
From Green Well. | ngthack | 15/10/2015 |
From second visit to Meaul, down E to col then up to cairn for second phase lunch: weather cleared, rain jacket off. 
Descended NE past lower cairn, continued then veered N towards Garryhorn Burn: went too far N, missed indicated crossing point but found suitable steping stones on loop of burn: terrain was difficult humps and bog: reached wall running NE and followed it into Mine area, using atv and rejoining track back to Green Well: sun came out and windproof came off. | trienbrae | 13/05/2015 |
round of 5 new donalds. | robertphillips | 17/07/2014 |
See Meaul | dickscroop | 07/06/2014 |
self | davidsbatty | 25/11/2013 |
Overcast, dry, cool, light wind, good views. | iangalbraith | 20/05/2012 |
KeithByTheC | 05/05/2012 | |
3rd hill of day. 
Continued N from Carlin's Cairn to skirt Meaul and head W to climb to top. | derekblackburn | 12/06/2011 |
from Carlin's Cairn. Walkers' path due NE for over a mile, negotiate a drop over craggy heather and vile white tussock to cross a small stream directly down to mine buildings in view from time to time. Over more vile tussock, over a stream, both feet wet to outward track to road and car at 17.05. 8 hours. | arranc | 27/04/2011 |
From Forrest Lodge to Meikle Millyea, then along the ridge to Meaul and Cairnsgarroch. A long walk with the final descent through tussocks to Garryhorn quite a slog. The bridge over the Garryhorn burn is no more. | borderterrier | 10/10/2010 |
Solo | HFB | 04/09/2010 |
From here down to the track and back to the start. | smocks and denims | 05/03/2010 |
Coran of Portmark, Bow & Tops, Meaul, Carlin's Cairn, Cairnsgarroch from Green Well. | agentmancuso | 26/09/2003 |
Bothied at the Sheil then up here. From there. | hillgorilla | 01/01/1995 |
Afternon round of Northern Rhinns of Kells on the way home. | Eddie | 23/09/1994 |