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Hill Bagging
the online version of the
Database of British and Irish Hills
Map Controls
Zoom in
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Full Screen map
Show your location (you may need to give permission to use your device's location information on first use)
Show all hills within map bounds
Select the map view, e.g. Ordnance Survey, Open Topo Maps, etc.
Map Notes
Hover cursor over a triangle for name of top
Triangles indicate locations of hills found by the search
Red/Green triangles indicate hills/tops you have ascended/not ascended
Triangle size gives some indication of hill height or drop depending on your preference (if registered user)...
Hill height:
Double-click on map to zoom in, or use
buttons in top left corner (or use mouse wheel)
Pan the map using mouse to drag
Click on a triangle for more details, i.e...
Hill name (click for page showing details of summit (opens a new window))
Height (metres / feet)
Class - see
for list of abbreviations used for hill classifications
Drop (metres) - prominence
Date of ascent (if logged)... on date or
(add log)
to log ascent (if signed in)
Table Notes
- see
for list of abbreviations used for hill classifications
Click on column headings (e.g.
Hill Name
) to re-order the list, and click again to reverse order
Click on symbol next to Hill No/Rank to indicate its position on the map
Click on a Hill Name for page showing details of summit (opens a new window)
- height of summit above sea level
Grid Reference
(see Disclaimer) - Click on a grid ref for OS map courtesy of Multimap (opens a new window)
(est) after grid ref indicates the grid ref has been estimated from mapping
Date of Ascent
- your personal log
Summits displayed in red are the ones you have ascended
Help Notes