Name:Horseshoe Hill
Hill number:3604
Height:519.8m / 1705ft
Parent (Ma):2714  Burnhope Seat
Topographical area:EP01 Crossfell-micklefell
SMC/RHB section:35A: The Northern Pennines
Nuttall/Wainwright area:North Pennines - Eastern Fells
Catchment:Catchment Boundaries, Tyne (Newcastle), Wear
Watershed:Tynemouth, Wearmouth
Class:Dodd (500-599m), Dewey
Grid ref:NY 98510 44872
Summit feature:no feature 25m SSW of trig point
Col:484m  NY972450  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 87
(1:25k) 307
Observations:summit is 23cm higher than trig point base and 15cm higher than ground 5m W of trig point (NY 98523 44893)
Survey:Leica NA730
Survey of Horseshoe Hill.pdf
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land.
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Logged Descriptions  (logged by 139 users, only the latest 50 shown - Show all)ByDate of Ascent
Out with Team HAM consisting of Meltdiceburg & AlmaAurea, we had stopped for the new Geocaching Virtual, then bagged the two trigpoints, so I was able to bag the hill too!Hitman995626/08/2024
Very easy using mast track. With B and R.jenx24/10/2023
Stanhope, Collier's Law and over to Bolt's LawFlatfield07/04/2023
Just a bag from the road. Bleak..Pete Pozman02/03/2023
Quick walk up track to trig and summit. Road peters out and then a little bog hopping to the trigmatty1971b28/12/2022
P by track to Steward Shield Meadow. Track almost to trig then to top and then track near mast.chrisbien08/11/2022
Parking at NY984446. E along road for 100m then up mast access track. Trig in a sea of trackless heather.Isbjorn12/08/2022
Parked by the track down to Steward Shield at NY 98386 44587, and took the aerial track, leaving it to hike a short way over heather up to the summit. Return was via the aerial compound and track. 1.3km, with 30m of ascent.Man of Kernow102/07/2022
Pleasant, good views.Nick Canute29/05/2022
Horseshoe Hill, Collier Law, Boltslaw West, Dry Rigg from nearby roads. Ran over easier sections of Boltslaw West and Dry Rigg. Quite dry conditions generally, but caught out on some wetter areas on approach to Dry Rigg.RobertP16/04/2022
I'd planned on walking from Dead friars to the standing stone on the main road but on a whim decided to climb Horseshoe Hill to bag the trig point! Weather was awful!deadheaduk30/08/2021
With the family.richtea504016/08/2021
Tiny Tibbetts 1 walked and Tiny 2 in the carrier.Louise16/08/2021
From Parkhead StationSlash317/07/2021
Short walk from pull in to South.rhalstead31/05/2021
With K from large car park to south eastAshley21/05/2021
2/5 Dewey Day. A medley of 5 Deweys on the north side of Weardale from nearby roads: Collier Law, Horseshoe Hill, Bolt’s Law, Dry Rigg, Brownley Hill. (S)silveracorn_alan17/05/2021
Have visited several times on cycling days out, but never had summit details with me. Short walk today, with summit details.ger19/04/2021
Walked from the top car park at waskerly resivour along to park head station and across to the hill. Walked with Lee Jones.2510chris31/12/2020
Almost a ‘drive-up’. Walked over to here from Colliers Law to enjoy frozen terrain and big viewswychwood24/12/2020
Quick walk up track to trig and summit.PGCE08/12/2020
Quick walk up from the road to visit the trig.3 kinnears22/10/2020
Parked at NY988 445, short walk up track and across moor.dgresty20/09/2020
A short walk from the camper van parked half way up the track to the mast.summitter09/08/2020
A short walk to the trigpoint / summit.meltdiceburg27/07/2020
Parked at 00270 43112 and used tracks to reach the trig for Collier law returned the same way and then walked on to Horseshoe hill using the NCN route North West. Two and half hours for the combined eight miles.WAYNE ROWLETT06/06/2020
Horseshoe Hill (and Collier Law) from Car Park at Parkhead Station Tea RoomsRobB27/01/2020
From Bolts Law, followed fence to old rail line, then road to Horseshoe Hill. Very Very windy, gusts up to 70mph, enough to almost blow you into the road and almost enough to blow you over. Rain. Stunning views but dreary track/road walking. 3/4 Durham Deweys (Dry Rigg, Bolt's Law, Horseshoe Hill, Collier Law). Left summit to follow road/track to Collier Law.NorthernWayfarer26/01/2020
Drove up to the mast. Short walk to an indeterminate top.Campbell Singer04/01/2020
Just a few mts from mast.Barbara Singer04/01/2020
Horseshoe Hill from GR: NY 98384 44609ronaldo33322/04/2019
Horseshoe Hill from GR: NY 98384 44609Hippster22/04/2019
A quickie from the nearby road.summitsup30/09/2018
Climbed from the layby at the top of Crawleyside Bank.Gary Heath11/09/2018
Start ~ Roadside, 979447. Followed RoW. up from the road. With Wombourne & Pat.steve hudson13/07/2018
Parked at GR 979447. Followed the ROW across a bone dry moorland to the summit. With SH and PR.wombourne13/07/2018
Drove up mast service road to junction at 985447 & then a short walk across heather to the unmarked summit & trig point. (PM)gerrybowes05/04/2018
A very short 10 minutes from the car up the access road. With GB. 5th Dewey for the day.bolton05/04/2018
Drove up to comms mast. Short walk across heather moorland to trig and unmarked hill top.jonglew06/12/2017
CX bike from home via Waskerley Way, home via Blanchland.John Lee29/09/2017
Parked up at the top of the downward track then ran back along the road and up the track to this onemadaddo26/05/2017
With Evan.Dangerous Dave03/09/2016
With Jo, from Fell Haven along Wilkinson’s Cut, returning along road. Weather: overcast, breezy, good visibility.amblerbob30/06/2016
Started at Fell Haven and walked along Wilkinson's Cut to Meadows Edge and then the track to the mast branching off right off the track onto another track which was followed to the trig and top. Next a walk along the moor to the B6278 by a small quarry marked on the 2.5 OS map but couldn't see it. Over the road and across the moor to the top of Collier Law and down the mast track to Fell Haven. Moor a bit wet in places and quite a bit of quod bike track to help. Definitely a grouse moor with the odd grouse flying up from the ground by my feet.MikeM10/04/2016
Parked half way up track then straight to trig and summit, back via mast.SS12/03/2016
Solo in the snow.simon and co20/01/2016
Surveyed with level and staff with G&J Galltywenallt02/12/2015
Stanhope, Ashes Quarry. Crawleyside Incline, Parkhead, Boltslaw Railway(CTC) Horseshoe Hill and returnghullgd03/06/2015
Easy bag. Drove to mast at dusk, short walk to trig over possibly higher ground. Not bad for an autumnal stroll after work.nordicstar29/10/2014
The easiest of walks from Meadows Edge!Fisky Boy15/10/2013