Name:Urda Stack
Hill number:12154
Height:35m / 115ft
Parent (Ma):none
RHB Section:22: Shetland Islands
County/UA:Shetland Islands
Island:Mono Tump island
Class:Tump (0-99m)
Grid ref:HP598176 (est)
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 1
(1:25k) 470N


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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 0 users)ByDate of Ascent
Not ticked, 45 degree unfriendly slabs N face, gannets. N end awkward start, looks easyish roped climb, v exposed arete, bird freeRHW17/06/2019