Name:Dunveoch Hill
Hill number:13412
Height:258m / 846ft
Parent (Ma):1689  Corserine
RHB Section:27B: Carrick and Galloway
Donald area:Galloway Hills
County/UA:Dumfries and Galloway
Catchment:Dee (Kirkcudbright)
Class:Tump (200-299m)
Grid ref:NX 58559 81013
Summit feature:cairn
Col:199m  NX579812  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 77
(1:25k) 318 319
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 7 users)ByDate of Ascent
Parked at entrance to Carrock Estate (NX 5976 8197). Took track through the estate to Rig of Drumbuie, then across to here on reasonable ground. On to Garroch Hill.jonglew20/04/2021
After Garroch Hill, up through fields then rougher terrain from the track to the south east. Prominent cairn on the summitColin Crawford31/08/2019
3 tump round from parking at track entrance to old garroch/mosside, rig of drumbuie, dunveoch hill, garroch hill,robertphillips27/02/2019
7th hill of 9 today on a route from Carsphairn to Dalry, climbing Bardennoch Hill, Gairy Craig, Torrs, Bennan Hill, Shinmount and Rig of Drumbuie, continuing Ese to climb over wall then fairly easy grassy terrain with outcrops and bewildered cattle to reach the Cairn at the top. Wonderful evening sunshine! Descent EnE to reach gate and the bridge with the wonderful waterfall at Dunveoch Glen then track and footpath leading towards Garroch Hill...Dazingdale18/10/2018
From Rig of Drumbuie. Then down to 2 gates at 591812 giving access to track in Dunveoch Glen.chrisbien11/04/2018
Dave Geere28/04/2017