Name:Barclay Bank
Hill number:13700
Height:99m / 325ft
Parent (Ma):1720  Craiglee
RHB Section:27B: Carrick and Galloway
Donald area:Galloway Hills
County/UA:South Ayrshire
Class:Tump (0-99m)
Grid ref:NS 32726 08606
Summit feature:no feature
Col:63m  NS330089  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 70 76
(1:25k) 326S
Survey:obvious summit
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 13 users)ByDate of Ascent
From layby to north on high point of road. Squelch.colazione28/12/2023
From well documented lay-by.lordtonult06/08/2022
Semi layby at HP of road to N and pleasant walk up bank recently vacated by coos. Failed to lift stone guarding the money.Thearlaichdubh27/12/2021
P high point of road, gates and frozen ground, easy.agentmancuso30/11/2019
9th and final hill of the day on a route from Grimmet on the B741 to Maybole, climbing Auchenroy, Auldcraigoch, Turgeny, Keirs, Chapel, Patna, Glastron and Guiltree hill, following minor lane into Kirkmichael (for a take away coffee) continuing onto Auchenairney where i climbed over gate and directly up past cows to the summit. Great views and aspect. Descent to jct of lanes then followed road into Maybole.Dazingdale14/05/2017
Patna-Patna Hill-Chapel Hill-Glastron Hill-Guiltree Hill-Barclay Bank-Maybole. Show me the money.campagvelocet26/09/2016
From road to north, over cut hay fieldsColin Crawford02/06/2016
from high point on minor road.robertphillips21/01/2015
Parked at sharp bend. 2 gateschrisbien24/07/2013
Parked in layby on minor road to North. Through gates. Good views. With the F.C.The Captainblank
Dave Geere23/11/2018