Name:Kirvennie Hill
Hill number:13728
Height:81m / 266ft
Parent (Ma):1725  Beneraird
RHB Section:27B: Carrick and Galloway
County/UA:Dumfries and Galloway
Class:Tump (0-99m)
Grid ref:NX 41875 55441
Summit feature:no feature: flat grassy summit
Col:43m  NX410564  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 83
(1:25k) 311
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 15 users)ByDate of Ascent
A quick bag from the gate.robertphillips10/07/2021
Roadside verge parking to W side of a field gate due S of the summit (NX 4189 5518), nearly grounded the car!jonglew17/05/2021
Parked at road jnct to SE and crossed 2 fields.Thearlaichdubh18/07/2018
Sunny morning stroll from soft verge parking to the south to pasture summit with Adrian Rayner. Then I had to help push Adrian's car to get it off the verge.Dugswell225/03/2018
5th Hill of 6 today, climbing Eggerness Hill, Knockeffric Hill, Hawk Hill and Wood Hill, crossing the Bladnoch river by wading across the shallows about 60m from stepping stones (Dalreagle steps)to then take track past Cunninghame to explore Torhousemuir stone circle and 3 standing stones in field on other side of the road, before continuing on road to Wigtown. I took the track to Kirvennie, used gate to access col then wire handle to access field adjacent to summit. Climbed over gate into field full of Jersey Cows, much friendlier than my previous cattle encounters (licking my hands etc). Edged out about 35 metres into field to find summit before uneasily returning with tonnes worth of moo moos trying to close in due to curiosity but was able to duck underneath barbed wire and then climb gap in fence to return to large rucksack before continuing on the road towards and Wigtown and my final hill.....Dazingdale05/08/2017
Up grassy slope from the south, single field. Gently domed grassy summitRichardM12/02/2017
grassy dome, straight up from B733 across pasture, with no definite HP. Sleet!Denise 12/02/2017
Straight up from B733.Crib Goch24/07/2016
Easy pasture strollColin Crawford20/07/2016
Martin R24/03/2018