Name:Gallow Hill
Hill number:14196
Height:242m / 794ft
Parent (Ma):1802  Blackhope Scar
RHB Section:28A: Firth of Forth to the River Tweed
Donald area:Moorfoot Hills
Catchment:Esk (Musselburgh), Catchment Boundaries, Tyne (Dunbar)
Watershed:Firth of Forth
Class:Tump (200-299m)
Grid ref:NT 36087 61348
Summit feature:no feature: grass
Col:210m  NT353616  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 66
(1:25k) 345W
Survey:Abney level
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 30 users)ByDate of Ascent
As others, parked across the road from the ruins of Mount Cottage. Direct line from there.jonglew18/03/2024
From 237m spot height as Grumpy. A farm tip at summitcjo02/03/2024
parked by ruined cottage and over gate to gate in adjoining field which was open, along edge of field to wooden bit of fence and on to the rocks at high pointgrumpy23/02/2023
From parking spacecurlebd02/06/2022
As others from ruined cottage, field edge and into next field and HP, back along other side of field.PeterD15/05/2022
From layby/passing place opposite the ruined cottage. Over the field then fence to the flat section in field to the north. Piles of stones seemed to be the new high point.JAdair9709/03/2022
No gallows, but a load of dumped rocks.summitter25/02/2022
Walked over from Mossend, short loop around the field edgesPaul Digard30/01/2022
From the SW.Andrew Simmons14/08/2021
No 29 Bus to Gorebridge, then up B6372, along to col of minor road and 150m through arable crops. Nice crisp winter day. On to Camp Wood Hill.Thearlaichdubh28/11/2017
parked to the west, over a couple of fences to the top in long grass.robertphillips29/01/2017
Parked by ruined Mount Cottage. Field edges to flat rough grass summit. Wooden fence sections in corners of fields make crossing fences easier.Minto07/01/2017
From sse as others. Rough grassy summit between pasture fieldsRHW10/12/2016
From the SW, from the ruined cottage, around fields to the long grass.Topographer5720/11/2016
From the west - still stubble here. Summit is under long grass.fasgadh19/11/2015
Long grass now short. Very easyColin Crawford24/02/2015
P at little S of ruined Mount Cottage. The top is very flat and covered in long grass.chrisbien31/08/2014
Martin R24/07/2023
Pete R24/12/2019