Hill number:1579
Height:248m / 814ft
RHB Section:24A: Lewis and Nearby Islands
County/UA:Na h-Eileanan Siar [Western Isles]
Island:Lewis and Harris
Class:Marilyn, Hump, Tump (200-299m), Yeaman
Grid ref:NB 47968 48922
Summit feature:collapsed cairn 5m NE of trig point
Col:77m  NB410409  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 8
(1:25k) 460E
Observations:ground 7m S of trig point might be as high
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Logged Descriptions  (logged by 80 users, only the latest 50 shown - Show all)ByDate of Ascent
The track to Loch Ionadagro then moorland hack to Muireag and Beinn Mheadhanach. Not one to take a non-bagging enthusiast on.summitter16/06/2023
A grand day out - wish l had taken a fishing rod! From Gleann Tholastaidh to Loch Ionadagro dam, then across country navigating from loch to loch. I soon gave up on the marker mounds idea - I think that is wishful thinking - as there are mounds in every direction.Chris Peart30/05/2023
Parked next to the toilets just north of New Tolsta, then walked in on the track that goes up to Loch Diridean then the bog trotting fun started. Took a line approximately towards Loch Sgarasdail (staying to the north of Loch na Cloich. Note the ground is marginally better to the north of the lochain shown on the 1:50000 scale map at 507 493 than it is to the south side of this lochain). From about 100 m south of the building marked on the 1:50000 scale map at Loch Sgarasdail I headed to a point that was about 75m north of Loch NicDhomhnaill to cross the stream then headed WSW to the south of Loch Fad Oram and finally up to the summit. Some ATV tracks found on the final pull up to the summit (and a lot of tracks/mud near the summit. Great views made up for the bog trot. Mentally this hill was not as bad as I thought it would be but it was still a slog. Plenty of water around but it was obviously not as high as it can be. Vegetation generally spongy, use all of the raised bumps to get yassynt_bob13/05/2023
From Gleann Tholastaidh up the track to dam. Over moorland studied with raised ground markers east at first but tedious, last 700m before the hill is rough and wettest.N.Morters14/09/2022
Good parking at the footbridge over the Gress river and took the land rover track north. Stepping stones over the river then into the bog and rough stuff. The riverside path on the map doesn’t really exist so it’s a long tedious slog from this direction. Not sure I’d recommend this approach.govanah10/09/2022
Bran HFB17/05/2022
From parking on the old road at Gleann Tholastaidh. Good track to dam at Loch Ionadagro, then up to join ATV track heading NW up the hill, which fades out in bumpy ground, but no worries, giant mounds of turf mark the optimum route. I made the mistake of ignoring these and going N of Loch Mor Sgeireach and Loch an Fheoir, which is appalling terrain. Skirted Druim Dubh and found ATV tracks going across the grassy valley and up the S side to the top, with inevitable litter left by the louts. Superb views. Back on the S side of the lochs was miles easier (via the marker mounds and a single one rock cairn), with only a short section of small proto-hags and pools, all smaller than the N side. Overall? Perhaps as easy as you can get on Muirneag?Gill16/09/2021
Following the Gress river to avoid open moor. 2 miles of good peat road, then rough deer tracks.nfergu27/06/2020
Why o why would any sane person want to repeat this Hill, for the view of course as you can see the whole of the island of Lewis .chalky195303/10/2019
Along track from end of B road opposite small art gallery. Limited parking. Took fairly direct line between Lochs Scarradale and na Cloich. Managed to dodge all the boggy bits and faint ATV track helped at times. Best done after a drought or when there's a hard frost otherwise could be a nightmare! Grand views at the top though thesummit area is ugly and surrounded by spongy moss. (3 and a half hours, including stops)AndrewFinnimore09/05/2019
From New Tolsta. Terrain underfoot quite dry.NormanW06/05/2019
From track at Glen Tolsta across a very soft moor, skirting loch to rise to trig. Shame about the half buried barbecue and bottles.dandaran12/08/2018
Parked before the gate at 532487. Good track for three quarters of a mile then yomped north of Loch na Cloich, over A'Chleith Mhor, to the north end of Loch Bhata Guil and straight up the hill. Found remains of ATV track from the summit which quickly disappeared. 3 and 3 quarter hours and 7.5 mile with CM in the showers. Hard going but quite dry but would have been worse at other times in the year in wet weather. Pleased its done!bolton17/07/2018
A slog over a bog. 4 v heavy rain showers. Ground in drought conditions- best time to do it. 42 years til next one! With PM.CJM17/07/2018
Good track from the road for 1km, then a souless trudge over bog and peat hags. Rain came in part way along the return leg ably assisted by the strong southerly wind. With nephew Andrew P who wondered what the h*ll he was doing here! Certainly glad to have this one ticked off.jonglew23/09/2016
Delightful hill from road and track to E. After the end of the track there are faint deer paths on the S side of the Leagasdal river, though this flows uphill at times. A drone would be useful. Reminiscent of hills in Caithness.Thearlaichdubh11/06/2016
Good parking at Bail nr road end. Beinn Mholach in morning a good warm up act. Track to lochan as good as it gets, then a souless 5.5km trek across the moor with every kind of wretched terrain you could imagine; go in wellies, waders if you have them. So head on into 45mph winds we go. A line to the North of Loch na Cloich seems to work well, then direct to foot of the hill beside Loch Bhatacuil. There is a faint ATV track leading up the hill which is a godsend, seek it out. To top it all the six fig grid ref for summit is about 76m from the trig, in the excitement I forgot to get a 10digit one, hipefully Jim B did earlier in the week. At least it was wind assisted in reverse. Easily the toughest Marilyn on the Hebs if anywhere! Doing Mholach in the morning maybe not the best thing to have done!nordicstar03/05/2016
Not quite as bad as expected, though walking into a gale did not help on the way out. Blew us back though!jenx03/05/2016
With Beinn Mheadhanach from the road end.jimbloomer30/04/2016
Cycled along track from east, thereafter 5km of wilderness. Best line appears to be to stay close to the south bank of the stream, more animal tracks and fewer hags than higher routes.Topographer5713/09/2015
Used track from east to the north end of Loch Dirideanthen aim for the north end of 3 lochs including Loch NicDhomhnall then make for the summit. I managed to keep my feet dry during this walk with Martin Richardson on a windy grey day.Dugswell222/09/2013
Not a boggy as we were lead to believe. Although happy to not need to go there again.Martin R22/09/2013
Solo. Set off midway between Gress and Tolsta and went straight up and back. A lovely, bright, crisp, blue sky, high cloud spring day. Great views south to hills of Harris and Uig, east to the mainland, and south east to Shiants and Skye. 3 hours.alexmaclennan29/03/2013
Sunny, calm, good views, but hail on return.iangalbraith15/10/2012
From picnic area near New TolstaBLACKHILL04/06/2012
Not as bad a walk as some people suggested. Parked on Tolsta road by a gate. On access track for about a mile to 300', beeline on compass bearing quite dry after recent lack of rain. Patches of springy mossy stuff and embryo peat hags to north of large lochan. A long mile on flat moor to rise over a small ridge around a loch, over a deer trough stream to slopes of hill. Long lank grass. To column 5973 at 11.30. Moss covered wind break around column. Peat eroded top now quite dry. No sign of batteries or tyres!. West Germany beat England 4 - 1 in World Cup.arranc27/06/2010
Revisit. Trig in shelter cairn, grassy summit above peaty moorland, much wetter than last time. Near the summit was a full 2 litre bottle of Fanta and a half bottle of Coke. Track from NB532487 then good luck!RHW05/04/2009
Out and back from road end. Return was quicker after working out the better ground.Eddie16/07/2008
Date is first visit. Notes from later...fine isolated grassy hill reached via sparkling lochans amidst rolling moorland golden in late summer from Lewis's best beach. New Tolsta 531486, tk the bogjog, returning to beach car pk 533491 RHW28/09/2000
MAY 19989 SOLOdonmeisterblank
walk livi15/09/2022
dave g10/09/2022
Dave McG24/05/2022
Simon Winton20/09/2019
Tom Mundell23/09/2017
Trekking toes23/09/2017
carole engel24/05/2017
Campbell Singer13/09/2014
Tony S13/09/2014