Name:Kingcoed Hill
Hill number:15860
Height:113m / 371ft
Parent (Ma):2269  Ysgyryd Fawr
RHB Section:32C: Neath to Chepstow
County/UA:Monmouthshire [Sir Fynwy]
Class:Tump (100-199m), Clem
Grid ref:SO 42769 05692
Summit feature:no feature: knoll beside Wood Cottage
Col:60m  SO428083  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 161
(1:25k) OL14W
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 32 users)ByDate of Ascent
The GPS pinged before I got out of the car but I did make the effort! They don't come much easier than this.milimana23/08/2023
Very easy.Minto08/07/2023
Quick stop whilst in the area.PGCE27/12/2022
Now our local Tump.Barbara Singer13/08/2022
After Covid - this is my kind of ascent.fasgadh21/03/2022
Parked opposite, easy ascentPeterD20/03/2022
With Samsimon and co10/03/2022
You can park opposite.clivevilla20/11/2019
Almost a drive by.rhalstead26/01/2019
Walked back 30 mts to the three oaks.Campbell Singer12/01/2019
As ngthack.Herbert Anchovy07/06/2018
Easy roadside bag, parked in a convenient place 200m S to give myself a bit of a walk.Tony J21/03/2018
3 oaks in a triangle at hp.ngthack08/11/2017
Drive byarranc05/11/2016
Roadside summit.Adrian31/10/2015
While staying at High Cloud Farm with 20 friends. Track from High Cloud to Kingcoed was very overgrown. Top by roadsideMark Jackson26/10/2015
Roadside HP. On grassy mound (covered with budding crocuses), W side minor road, N side Wood Cottage.jonglew17/01/2015
High point next to tree by the house just next to the road. Road side parking easily available nearby.muzza221/04/2014
highest pt is W bank of road by house; attractive views. rdside simmit RHW04/01/2003
Martin R29/02/2024
Rob Rees18/12/2021
Swindon Bagger06/11/2015