Name:Hawk's Tor
Hill number:17532
Height:329m / 1079ft
Parent (Ma):2881  Brown Willy
RHB Section:40: Cornwall & Devon
Class:Tump (300-399m)
Grid ref:SX 25388 76346
Summit feature:rock tor
Col:292m  SX249754  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 201
(1:25k) 109
Survey:Abney level
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Logged Descriptions  (logged by 25 users)ByDate of Ascent
Another rocky summit. Walk in was ok on paths from Trewortha Tor but didn't take the best route down in the fading light. [Circular walk of Kilmar Tor, Bearah Tor, Newel Tor, Trewortha Tor, Hawk's Tor.] With Alma Aurea. /Dmeltdiceburg21/02/2023
From end of very narrow road at 259759- Kilmar Tor- Langstone Downs, then a delightful section contouring round the W of Kilmar Tor on railway track bed, complete with granite sleepers, to its terminus. It was easy going to the SW ridge of Hawk's Tor where we had to go up on the N side of the wall; there was a break in the wall on the ridge (reckon on this being repaired) a gate lower down but access to the S side was blocked by 3xBBW plus coiled razor wire at wall corners, despite both sides being on access land. Decent trods, rather than a path, gave access to the rock summit ridge where the BBW didn't hamper access to the HP- another scramble to an awkward gap and touch the HP rather than attempt to stand boldly upon it. We returned back down the SW ridge, over to a good track and back to 259759. With brother, Pete. Satisfying as always to link up several Tumps in a good walk.pwheeler13/06/2022
Walk up from the end of the lane to the south east where there was a small parking area. Lovely day blues skies mild with only a light breeze. Headed up through bracken and gorse to the summit rocks. We had to head around the back to find the weakness in the rocks giving an easy scramble to the summit. Saw Buzzards, Crows, Skylarks and a Snipe. Frustrating as headed back directly to car but had to walk down the hill and back up due to the barbed wire fence.isabelle02/04/2021
scrambly torcjo01/04/2019
As moorsman but parked further south west at SX 25943 76022. Track/path to summit ruined by cattle hooves and it was very wet. Summit scramble tricky on wet rock. Wouldn't have managed it solo. Brother Ed & I give each other a leg up on final tricky bit.David Gradwell14/09/2017
Nice walk from North HillAlancache03/08/2017
Parked just north of the church in North Hill at SX 27317 76843. Walked down through the village and took the RoW down to the bridge over Withey Brook, then up to the lane on the north side of the forest. Followed this NW and W, leaving it to take the path up to the summit. Scaling the tor not too difficult - just a few tricky moves with little exposure. Walk continued to Ridge. Solo.Man of Kernow111/04/2017
Superb sunny round of Bodmin tumps. The summit is reached with via two definite scrambling moves, a pleasure on the dry rough rock, accessed from the north central side of the summit tor- via a well worn path. Boggy sections to tumps North and South were ok if you kept moving!Denise 22/10/2016
A great little tor with a couple of interesting YDS2 steps to reach the summit. Some well carved graffiti on the E top. And also on:- 10-06-1989,RichardM22/10/2016
Pull-in suitable for a single car opposite the start of the bridleway to the south west (alt 988ft). Follow this bridleway northwards until the final fence when a gate gives access to a path through the trees leading to the top.moorsman18/06/2016
Parked in small carpark below hawks for194325/09/2014
From SE, parking at start of b/w, then access land. Summit tor a slightly tricky scramble, by its N side.RHW13/04/2014
Visited whilst in the area geocaching.CornishGazza26/05/2013
Andy West10/09/2023
Edwin Gradwell14/09/2017
Colin Crawford13/07/2017
Nick Caunt09/07/2013