Name:Ben Knowle Hill
Hill number:18287
Height:99m / 325ft
Parent (Ma):2891  Beacon Batch
RHB Section:41: South Central England
Catchment:Axe (Weston), Catchment Boundaries, Parrett
Class:Tump (0-99m)
Grid ref:ST 51610 44885
Summit feature:no feature: ground 25m SW of trig point
Col:32m  ST521452  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 182 183
(1:25k) 141
Observations:ground by trig point may be as high
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 20 users)ByDate of Ascent
From the NW with permission of farmer sitting in his pickup at field gate. Across field of pasture to next gate then steeply upwards trending left to field gate in top corner of field. This gives access to summit field grazed by sheep. Summit area is pasture, has trig pillar, rises and hollows and high point rise near bend in fence. Unmarked. Rain easing, view of Glastonbury Tor.RichardM22/07/2023
Approached up sheep pasture from road to north, having met the farmer at the bottom. Hp probably not at trig but nearer fence junction. Rainy views.Denise 22/07/2023
Nightmare to access from the south but stumbled through the brambles and undergrowth. Nasty double barbed wire fence surrounds field with trig pointTrantham Clan08/04/2023
Parked near Fenny Castle for a circuit of Hembury Hill, Ben Knowle Hill (along ROW to SW for a short way before climbing grassy slope to ridge; visited summit and trig; down E side) and Hay Hill.PGCE26/05/2021
From south, along FP, then up by caravan and vineyard, steep ascent and into summit field and onto HP and Trig.PeterD07/05/2021
Here for the trig point. TP:UK log: #19 'trig' of the trip. #12 Pillar. Parked at school car park opposite new house aptly named Ben Knowle. We knocked to try and get permission but no one answered. Route to trig in full view of new house. We then walked up the road to the nearby houses and spoke to a couple of gentlemen working in the schools garden who advised the field was being used by a tenant farmer and that’d be ok to climb up the field and visit it. So we did, another steep one but we got there.thejackrustles07/03/2020
parked in school then up grass then steep tussock to sheep pasture at summit. Trigpointcjo22/12/2019
Parked SW at the start of ROW, Tried to go up through wood but couldn't find a way so walked around to the East of wood then back up to Trig & HP. Then walked over to Hay Hill.fosal2907/10/2019
Parked near the school. The tricky bit was accessing the field leading up to the hill without being seen by a chap who had been strimming the hillside, stopped for a break and was heading down to his car parked in the gateway. Having got past him it was simple enough, mainly thanks to the hard work he had put in clearing the brambles that would otherwise have been a nightmare. Once past the brambles the top is a nice bit of rough grassland with a trig near the summit. Nice views of the area from the top.Herbert Anchovy30/01/2019
Parked to the SW then used RoW to gain field below wood. Up steeply through wood then over BWF into summit field with Iain Brown. Then continued onto Hay Hill via field edges of maize fields to the prickly summit.Dugswell210/09/2018
2/4 (Corporation Woods/Ben Knowle Hill/Mudgley Hill/Wearyall Hill)Fergalh03/03/2018
Parked at school and climbed through a mixture of muddy pasture and shrubby hillside. Hard work.Ramblingpaul22/11/2017
Roadside parking at the school (ST 51317 45204). Steepish hillside over rough cattle pasture to trig pillar at summit. HP either at the pillar or possibly 25m SW on small but pronounced grassy mound.jonglew02/09/2015
Sunset bag after afternoon circle dancing in Wells cathedral and visiting Alderley edge tump in the morning!!! Strange combinationvegibagger16/02/2015
Martin R27/10/2023
andrew brown14/03/2018