Name:Tom Liath
Hill number:4560
Height:638m / 2093ft
Parent (Ma):1493  Mona Gowan
RHB Section:21A: Tomintoul to Banff
Catchment:Dee (Aberdeen)
Class:Simm, Graham Top
Grid ref:NJ 33166 04124
Summit feature:no feature: heather
Col:584m  NJ332045  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 37
(1:25k) OL59W 405W
Observations:on NW side of path
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Logged Descriptions  (logged by 66 users, only the latest 50 shown - Show all)ByDate of Ascent
On Glenfenzie- Cairnagour Hill- Mona Gowan(qv for walk log)- Tom Liath- Glenfenzie walk. Nice ridge walk back down. Looked best to keep to ridge, as we did- old stalker's path looked overgrown. With Pete. Finished an hour before drizzle set in. Hint- use latest OL map to see the more extensive hill track on this walkpwheeler13/06/2024
Parked in a lay-by just S of the Glenfenzie track. Big track leads off this up to Scraulac then ridge top ATV route to Cairnagour Hill and Mona Gowan. Another track northwards to collect Meikle Charsk Hill before doubling back to Gowan and round the Slacks of Glencarvie on smaller paths to Mullachdubh. We found another ATV route which took us SW and over the Allt a' Bhreabair, which unfortunately required a bit of a re-climb to get on to a track between Mona Gowan and Tom Liath. Once the latter in the bag we rejoined the track all the way back to Glenfenzie. 4 hrs.summitter16/11/2023
Nice little hill bagged on descent from Mona Gowan. With Alex C.Dangerous Dave01/10/2023
5 of 6: From Mullachdubh. Passed a gas gun which was firing on the way back to Glenfenzie. With Karen.ChrisR13/06/2023
From Glenfenzie on bike. Quick diversion from track through cloudberry bog. Descent to Morven Lodge and on to Lary Hill. Gas gun still goingfasgadh25/05/2023
Quick bag after the long drive up. took the track from the ruin marked at glenfenzie.made a circuit of it by heading along the ridge to the map tom liath. 2 hours.hils28/10/2022
see log for Morvencarole engel28/07/2022
from near bridge at 312 027 A939 biked up on tracks, cairnagour hill, mona gowan repeat, mullachdubh, tom liath, lary hill, mammie.robertphillips16/10/2021
Parked near bridge over Allt Glas-choille on A939, walked along road past ruins at Glenfenzie up to near top of hill. Up through heather for last bit. Gas gun operating near here.187lenny25/04/2021
Work until 3pm at Crathie then a calculated fast race against time for a round of 5 tops with just 2 hours of daylight remaining - as clocks went back yesterday. High road start (initially in rain - full waterproofs) from Glenfenzie at 3.30pm. 2km & 250m climb on ATV track up ridge through short heather and bog to main watershed ridge on Scraulac (4.01pm), jogged the downhills & flat to Mona Gowan (4.24pm), then easy going but further than was handy, to end Simm of Mullachdubh (4.42pm) -rewarded by moody, now dry, end of day clouds and shafts of sinking low sunlight (dark in 30 mins when the name Mullachdubh -black hill - would become very appropriate) -pushed hard on rough contouring to add Tom Liath as daylight ebbed (5.19pm) - too dark now to see watch face but white moss on here and puddled tracks conveniently reflecting enough light in half moon to guide a fast walk back to road (5.50pm) without the need to use the torch - being more atmospheric as well.Chris Pearson26/10/2020
My reward for mucking out the house and baking bread: 3 bee stings from the hot-arsed little brutes in the hives alongside the Glen Fenzie track. Apparently, these hives are notorious locally for aggressive bees. Other than that, it's a lovely, circular short stroll down to the stream, ford, up the shooting track on the S ridge then a narrow path over the top and down the N ridge to the return track. Heather in full bloom.Gill07/08/2020
From A939, #5 of 5 (plus P15m TL Beag an easy addition). 2 OS BMs at Glenfenzie on way out.RHW26/12/2019
From Glen Fenzie, parking by bridge, Tom Liath, Mona Gowan, Cairnagour Hill and Scraulac. SMMC Ballater meet, with Liz M + Jim J.clashcityrocker07/11/2019
Copious parking at Glenfenzie bridge (A939). Diversion en route to Mona Gowan.Smudge26/12/2018
On way back from Mona Gowan. Easy extra bagtrimarc216/05/2018
Mona Gowan and its three associated tops. Easy going from south west on snow free ground, it had been thigh deep in places only a week earlier. A lot of track so speedy going.dickscroop20/02/2017
An easy ascent from A939 at Glenfenzie. Striking view of Morven.JohnW27/08/2015
Solo walk. Parked near track to the old farmhouse of Glenfenzie. After ascending Cairnagour Hill, Mona Gowan and Mullachdubh. Went on to Tom Liath. Tom Liath is marked on OS maps as being about 1km SSW of the summit. I had passed a track a little N of the summit so I returned to this and used it to reach my outward track in the glen bottom. The day was very cold.pwbellarby15/03/2008
Solo HFB06/04/2007
Dry, high cloud, calm, good views.iangalbraith05/06/2006
Jill Robertson01/10/2023
Alex C01/10/2023
Simon Winton10/07/2022
Tony S22/04/2019
Lorna S22/04/2019
Dave McG20/03/2019
Wycombe Wanderer01/01/2019
hill walker04/11/2018
Sick Kid25/09/2016
Gavin Theobald30/05/2016