Name:Tom Dunan
Hill number:6194
Height:542m / 1778ft
Parent (Ma):602  Carn Ealasaid
RHB Section:08B: Cairngorms
Catchment:Don (Aberdeen)
Class:Dodd (500-599m), Highland Five
Grid ref:NJ 21721 09071
Summit feature:no feature: grass/heather
Col:502m  NJ216095  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 36
(1:25k) OL58N 404N
Survey:Abney level
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Logged Descriptions  (logged by 11 users)ByDate of Ascent
No obvious parking at end of Loinherry track so went over to Corgarff Castle and parked there. Walked along and forded river at NJ239092 keeping dry (with gaiters). Up to track and along to Tom Dunan with cut strip easing the way up through the heather (though the strip veers off before the top). Down and up Bhuirich then down through deeper heather to the track north of Dunan and back by the outward route. Roasting.StueyB04/09/2023
4 of 5: From Carn Oighreag. Damp feet after crossing the river then up to the ruin at West Dunandhu which gave us lunchtime shelter from the strong wind. With Karen.ChrisR17/03/2022
carn bad a ghuail, foals craig, craig veann, liath bheinn, tolm buirich, druim bhuirich, tom dunan from the CP at corgarff castle biked in on a good track to 206 090.robertphillips14/11/2021
Easy track all the way to the summit of Carn Ealasaid from the A939 north of the Cock Bridge bridge, then more challenging heather 'n' hag terrain to Tolm Buirich and Craig Veann. The trudge over the lower Carn Bad a' Ghuail and Foal's Craig offered little respite, and the so-called path SE of The Eag was impossible to find until it becomes a legit grouse-blasters track. Being suckers for heathery punishment we nonetheless pressed on to bag Druim Bhuirich and Tom Dunan, enjoying a quick skinny-dip in the Allt Reppachie to cool sore limbs and bodies before the hot track-traipse back to Loinherry and the A939.summitter18/07/2021
Took the road down S slope of Druim Bhuirich, jumped over Allt Reppachie then headed up to summit. Had lunch overlooking West Dunandhu187lenny27/12/2020
Alone. From the car park at Corgarff Castle. Went along the track to Delnadamph Lodge. Crossed the river to the ruins of Dunandhu and ascended to the summit of Tom Dunan. Hence skirting to N of forest, partly on path shown on map (vehicle track) past shooting butts, stone man at 745m to summit of Carn Ealasaid. There is a vehicle track across the summit coming from NW. I followed this track, with some short cuts, over Carn Vaich to Loinherry. There is a slatey outcrop above Loinherry where several stone men have been constructed. Went along the track to Allargue Hotel on main road and so to the car park. The weather was fine – cloudy initially but improving. Good views of Mount Kenn, Lochnagar, Ben Avon, Beinn a’ Bhuird, Cairngorm, Ben Rinnes, all except the last snow covered.pwbellarby18/04/1993
hill walker20/03/2020
Dave McG22/10/2018