Name:Tom a' Chait
Hill number:7055
Height:502.5m / 1649ft
Parent (Ma):1496  Carn a' Ghille Chearr
RHB Section:21A: Tomintoul to Banff
Class:Dodd (500-599m), Highland Five
Grid ref:NJ 15746 33231
Summit feature:cairn
Col:431m  NJ160327  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 28
(1:25k) OL61S 419S
Survey:Leica RX1250
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 23 users)ByDate of Ascent
Parking for one car at the start of the mast track. Easy walk up through a few gates before arriving at the mast complex. The light drizzle descended into a deluge so we sheltered behind the buildings until it blew through before setting off for the neighbouring Tump. Nice views of Strathspey. With Nozzer.BigJ15/09/2022
with big JNozzer15/09/2022
2 of 4: Parked at the bottom of the mast track at 148347. With Karen.ChrisR02/06/2022
Tom a' Chait up good track from NNW then on to Craggan More on ATV track as far as the bealach after which it's heathery.sclater10/04/2022
Walk up track from NW to mast and summit cairn. Returned via Craggan More then cross country back to mast access track.willyross08/03/2021
Track from A95Gonk12/11/2020
Parked on A95 at foot of service track and walked up track. Sunny morning.187lenny12/05/2019
Sunny walk up track to mast and summit cairn.Dugswell206/10/2018
Parked on A95 near entrance to mast track. Walk continued to Sgor Gaoithe and down to A939garyhoney12/06/2005
Ben Rinnes05/06/2022
hill walker20/05/2021
Dave McG11/02/2019
Colin Crawford08/04/2014