Hill number:7075
Height:238m / 781ft
Parent (Ma):1515  Bennachie - Oxen Craig
RHB Section:21B: Fraserburgh to the Dee Valley
Catchment:Don (Aberdeen)
Class:Tump (200-299m), Subhump, Yeaman
Grid ref:NJ 73353 21812
Summit feature:boulder
Col:144m  NJ716230  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 38
(1:25k) 421W
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 23 users)ByDate of Ascent
From the stone circle car park, as others, up using field edges then logging tracks through the felled area. The summit boulder is very obvious. The stone circle itself was the best part of the outingColin Crawford21/05/2024
From Stone Circle car park. West along farm track and then north up track to woodland which has recently been felled. Followed a track all the way to top. Returned by same route. A pleasant summer evening walk.Jossker11/08/2023
From the farm track to the north, lots of windblown trees before the summit area, must be better from the south.robertphillips03/02/2022
Surprised Jon Glew has not been a'knocking here. Perfect for bwf and brash lovers.Martin R18/07/2021
Four two's and four zeros in the date. I should have waited 4 hours and climbed it at 20.20 (although by amazing coincidence I am entering the log at 20:02). Similar unique specific dates and times are believed to have possibly been linked with the mysterious Bronze Age Aquhorthies recumbent stone circle (where I stared my walk) to view a 'standstill moon', but no-one really knows for sure. I also don't really know for sure why I chose to go off piste and use my Scottish Access Rights by linking this hill with Whitecross Hill. Overgrown forest brashings, band of scratchy trees, 3 x BWF, a ditch, and soggy pastures (to keep away from farm building) -and back again later - to make a 4 mile after work outing.Chris Pearson20/02/2020
Second of a three Tump cycle from The Cabin E.C. From the minor road due north a track marked on 1:25K map ascends the ridge to pylon. Round edge of field, into forest, then fairly easily over felled area to summit. Descended SW on forest ride to meet logging road, huge piles of timber. Then S and E to end of minor road at parking area.Minto20/04/2019
From S, car park, field edge, tracks n easyish clear fall. Boulder near edge of clear fall, not replanted. Bright breezy pmRHW06/10/2018
Summit area felled of trees. Some rocks at summit.Adrian24/07/2015
Wind-blown trees around summit area.chalky195308/03/2015
With IS. Walked up from the west side (but easier access from near the E. Aquhothies Stone Circle car park). There are some paths through the woods but a bit of a fight over the last 100 yards to get to the summit.amswanston09/02/2013
With AS. Part Carried. With IS. Walked up from the west side (but easier access from near the E. Aquhothies Stone Circle car park). There are some paths through the woods but a bit of a fight over the last 100 yards to get to the summit. iks09/02/2013
Andrew Stalker22/01/2024
Alan Whatley11/10/2021
dave g03/09/2020
Dave McG09/09/2019
hill walker01/04/2018