Hill number:8447
Height:218m / 715ft
Parent (Ma):485  Mount Keen
RHB Section:07B: Braemar to Montrose
Catchment:Dee (Aberdeen)
Class:Tump (200-299m)
Grid ref:NO593966 (est)
Col:150m  NO572959  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 37 44
(1:25k) OL54 OL59E 395 405E


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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
Please report via the contact page any logs you see below which describe or encourage acts of trespass.  Please quote the hill number and hill name.

Logged Descriptions  (logged by 26 users)ByDate of Ascent
Weather fair.MountainMac11/10/2023
While GeocachingPilotralph 27/09/2023
From marywell, cairn and trig at the top.robertphillips06/10/2022
From MarywellGonk13/04/2022
Short diversion from the temp orienteering course.nix_snilloc15/07/2020
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees. No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! - November! (Thomas Hood). Apt poem for a dreary wet end of a dreary wet day with an hour of murky rain in the forest before dark at 5pm. With bad timing I had just parked at one side of the bus turning circle at Marywell when the school minibus itself arrived, which could still turn, whilst through rainy windows I glimpsed surprised white faces of pupils I knew peering out at me in my boots and under a rainbow coloured golf umbrella about to set off into the dripping woods. Ballogie estate have created walking routes - one of which visits the summit trig and adjacent taller cairn. Wet weekend ahead -not looking great for the bonfire and fireworks here in 2 days. Down to the N at Potarch bridge sit the two granite boulders with a combined weight of 733 pounds (332 kg), now known as the Dinnie Stones, which Donald Dinnie -19th century strongman- carried 17 feet across the bridge.Chris Pearson01/11/2019
Bagging the trig pillar.BigJ26/08/2019
visited while trig baggingNozzer26/08/2019
Here for the trigpoint. TP:UK log: Parked at an ice rink in Potlach, loads of kids playing and skating about. I could a got a few medals today as I slid about getting out of the car! Lovely circular walk around the forest via some geocaching and the trigpoint. Sat in the sun and had our lunch. Lovely day but made this one much longer than it needed to be and no energy for any more today!thejackrustles17/02/2018
Dave McG04/03/2023
carole engel16/10/2019
hill walker15/07/2018
elma spencer25/12/2015
david e01/04/2015