Name:Roman Hill
Hill number:13075
Height:94m / 308ft
Parent (Ma):1665  Craigowl Hill
RHB Section:26A: Central Scotland from Dumbarton to Montrose
Class:Tump (0-99m)
Grid ref:NO 47816 33385
Summit feature:no feature: ground in gorse bush
Col:63m  NO470341  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 54
(1:25k) 380E
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
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Logged Descriptions  (logged by 46 users)ByDate of Ascent
Parked at the green gates. The road to the reservoir.Andrew Simmons18/05/2024
As others, from the green gate on the A92.PGCE29/02/2024
Parking space just next to the A92 entrance barrier. Trampled as much gorse down as I could in order to ensure correct top point reached.summitter29/12/2023
Parked at green gate at start of reservoir track off A92.duchally27/03/2023
Up the reservoir road, around the ploughed field and over 2 bw fences. Stroll to top, into gorse. Dundee completion.NormanW29/12/2021
Put off by signs and barricading at end of Balmossie Dr so started at end of Balmossie Rd,over couple of fences and skirted field to join track to mast. Dundee completed.lordtonult13/10/2021
Bike jouurney taking in E,N,W + S points on Dundee City boundary, along with ascents of the 4 Tumps within the boundary. E,then Roman Hill. N,then to Gallow Hill. W,then S, then Balgay Hill and finally Dundee Law.clashcityrocker03/12/2020
From Balmossie as others and plunge into gorse bush on summit ridge. Lovely views. With cousin Mary.Thearlaichdubh12/11/2019
No bulls, cows or calves. Gate at top of Balmossie Gdns open so easy (apart from the summit gorse!) circuit, returning via lower well used path adjacent to ploughed field.Tony S19/03/2019
From reservoir access road. Four roe deer in the ploughed field to the left. Fences easily negotiated, and even the gorsy summit section is very brief.Nick Down122/02/2019
From Balmossie Gardensjimbloomer23/10/2018
Saw bulls sign in Balmossie Gardens and there were cows in distance but found track lower down which took me across field edge below top and reached water board track that way. Strangely that means Dundee completion - first in Scotland.Mark Sims11/07/2018
From A92, up track, round edge of field and over double bwf. Then short walk up pasture to gorse covered top.Campbell Singer23/06/2018
From A92 up track along fence over double BW to gorse covered top.PeterD29/05/2018
as for othersarranc23/05/2017
Park off A92 track to compound, around fence, then dive into gorse on quarry rim, final dundee tump.robertphillips05/03/2017
As with others, along access track from south, then along edge of field to gap in barbed wire and up to top. Nice evening light over the Tay.oriolefan10131/07/2016
From sse via resr access track. Half hearted search also for trig block which should be on brink immediately n of comms mast, a few m w of highpointRHW12/12/2015
Wide views of the Tay estuary for such a modest hill.neimcv09/10/2015
With Inez Murrieclashcityrocker08/10/2015
Did nor really believe the bull warning, but nevertheless walked up the track to the reservoir: along field edge to SW corner and easy fence up to summit. There was a van at the mast, so presume could easilly have come up a track from the bull gate.GordonAdshead05/08/2015
Parked by the green gate accessed from the eastbound carriageway of A92. Up reservoir track around fence then double barbed wire to negociate before you can explore the vegetated quarry edge summit.Dugswell223/07/2015
P at green gate - up res track. Left along res fence. Horse jump through barbed wire fence. Top as Minto.chrisbien18/04/2015
From eastbound carriageway of A92, parking space at green gate, walked up to reservoir enclosure, turned right through missing strand in barbed fence and around north perimeter of reservoir to mast. HP lies in on steep and narrow gorse bank between mast and quarry, be careful.Topographer5725/03/2015
I was not put off by the sign of bull and calves. Walked to the quarry and took the field route to the right. Cold and foggy, no view at the mast.Play2End13/02/2015
A surprising first log. Probably could be climbed from Balmossie Gardens, but I was put off by the sign warming of bulls, cattle and young stock. The track leads into a quarry (farmers rubbish dump!), and might not be that convenient for the top. Started 500m E, up water board track. Top has not one but TWO compounds, both with very high and well maintained fences. Fortunately (and unusally) neither compound is situated on the summit. However, the high point is well guarded by a wobbly field fence, hawthorn tree, and gorse ! I reckoned the highest point was behind the hawthorn bush. Though the true summit may have been quarried away long ago.Minto28/12/2014
Ben Rinnes22/04/2022
The Rodmiester06/03/2020
hill walker12/02/2020
Alex C22/06/2019
andrew brown22/01/2018
Lindsay M01/10/2017
Janet M01/10/2017
Martin R29/05/2017
Colin Crawford29/07/2015