Name:Sandtrae Knowe
Hill number:7475
Height:490m / 1608ft
Parent (Ma):1876  Andrewhinney Hill
RHB Section:28B: The River Tweed to the English Border
Donald area:Ettrick Hills
County/UA:Scottish Borders
Class:Tump (400-499m)
Grid ref:NT 22403 14712
Summit feature:no feature
Col:459m  NT221148  
OS map sheet(s):(1:50k) 79
(1:25k) 330
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N.B. Some hill summits are on private property or on land where there is no public right of way.  Permission should be sought from the landowner where access to a hill summit is through private land(*).
*For information about access rights in Scotland see the ScotWays website.
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Logged Descriptions  (logged by 23 users)ByDate of Ascent
13.1 mile circular from Brockhoperig. Along the Ettrick valley road to its end then following signs to Bodesbeck Law and Ettrick circular. Up the track through the forest and along grassy track to Bodesbeck Law's lovely summit. We then followed an ATV trail all the way along to ridge to Nowtrig Head, Mid Rig, Bell Craig, Andrewhinney Hill, Trowgrain Middle and Herman Law. We descended on grassy terrain south-east and followed bits of ATV track onto the grassy lumps of Sandtrae Knowe and Cossars Hill descending to the car. (There is a barbed wire fence to cross to get back to the road but the wire has been pulled down to make it easier to cross). 774m ascent. We saw 3 people on this warm sunny day with a nice breeze. Great views; especially north-west towards the Saddle Yokes, White Coomb and Lochcraig Head.DanTrig19/05/2024
3 of 4 from 100m east of scabcleugh farmrobertphillips22/10/2023
Up from roadside over Cossars Hill > Sandtrea Knowe > Scabcleuch Hill. Enjoyable circular walkAndrew Simmons09/12/2021
Parked by Ettrick village hall. Via church then good path before veering off to reach summit of Craig Hill. Descended roughly NW and rejoined path and the Southern Upland Way. Took a steep traversing line to reach the NE top of Peniestone Knowe, then Peniestone Knowe summit (several mounds could be the top, but the cairn looks lower). Fairly direct route to Scabcleuch Hill, then contour round under Corse Hill and steep climb SW to Sandtraie Knowe. Continued to Cossars Hill and descent to the road and return to Ettrick. Mist quite low for most of walk with drizzle for much of the timeRobertP17/10/2021
See Cossars Hill logcarole engel01/10/2021
Verge parking NT 2337 1314, by a river level monitoring hut. Straight up from the road to Cossars Hill before here. Then on to Herman Law -> Trowgrain Middle -> Andrewhinney Hill -> Bell Craig -> Mid Rig -> Nowtrig Head -> Bodesbeck Law -> Pot Law. Picked up bike at end of public road for nice downhill 4 mile ride back to car.jonglew24/05/2021
P NT234131. Tracks from time to time. Steep start. After Cossars onto Sandtrae. Back a slightly different way.chrisbien01/08/2020
From Herman Law. On to Cossars Hill.Wycombe Wanderer20/04/2019
Parked at the end of the Ettrickdale road and took the forest track signed 'Ettrick Horseshoe and Bodesbeck Law' onto the ridge. Then Bodesbeck Law - Nowtgrain Head - Mid Rig (DT) - Bell Craig - Andrewhinny Hill - Mid Rig - Trowgrain Middle (sadly, the unremarkable dome west of the fence seems to be slightly higher than the splendid cairn by the fence) - Herman Law - Sandtrae Knowe - Cossars Hill and back by the single track road. A glorious day with views across both Moffatdale and Ettrickdale throughout the ridge walk.Nick Down117/06/2017
On way up to Andrewhinney Hill(qv for route details) from Capelgill. Makes sense because I could cross low col to Etterick Valley and walk the ridge back to Capelgillpwheeler13/04/1991
Dave Geere12/01/2019
hill walker14/10/2018
Colin Crawford20/03/2011